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Our team knows there is much more to running a school system than your primary focus of education. There are the daily operations of keeping the facilities running to feeding and transporting children. We also know it is time consuming to do analysis around your daily operations when you are busy keeping everything running. We enable clients to continue to focus on their core business functions while partnering with your staff by doing the analysis around any of the areas defined;


  • Facilities Management/Maintenance

  • Procurement/Purchasing

  • Food Service Operations

  • Levy Campaigns

  • Transportation Evaluations

  • Monitoring of Bid Specification Work

  • Financial Feasibility Analysis

  • Facilities and Capital Improvement Budgeting

  • Grant Seeking/Writing and Administration

  • Information Systems Audits/Services

  • Preparation of RFP or Bid Specifications for Vendors/Service Contracts


*Our staff holds Ohio School Business Manager Licensure

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